amretenu askitengo namaskaar. OSS dhaan amre bhaasaam likket amre bhaasa hotai meni askitengo joval sangileth se. K.V. Pathy aiyaan mello tisos sangileth se. mii thamil bhaasaam rovvo vyaasam likkires. tye chovthithin Pathy aiyaan amre bhaasaam melli mii vyaasam likkuno meni sankiraas. mhottan vaththa thaanuk musa goththi kerno meni hatvili mii yelle blog armbam kerriyas. tumi sovthi sii sanguvo.
amre bhaasaam likkeyo sovtaththak armbammu rovvo keshtam lakai. tego haalthi mii yet likkeyo English-um melli theeras.
My Pranaams to all of our people. OSS Annaa has been requesting everyone to write in our language to foster our language. K.V. Pathy aiyaan also telling the same. I have written some articles in Tamil. Pathy aiyaan has read them and has ordered me to write articles in our language also. Thinking that I should follow elders words as much as possible, I have started this blog. Please read and let me know your comments.
It may be difficult to read the articles written in our language at the start. So, I am writing them here in English also.