Wednesday, December 20, 2006

ஹனுமத் ஜெயந்தி

சிவமுருகன் சௌராஷ்ட்ர ப்ரண்ட்ஸ் க்ளப்பும் லிக்கயோ ஹெடி யேட் தகரியோ.

ஸவ்ராஷ்ட்ர ராமாயணு
ஸுந்த3ர பர்வம்

ஸர்கு3 1 அத்4யாய் 1

ஸவ்ர ஸமூஹுக் நாயகி ஸ்வாமின் குலகு3ரு

தே3வுனு ஸேனாக் அதி4பதி மண்ணென் ஸிவகு3ரு

எங்கு3டு தெங்கு3டு பொ4ர்ரிய நராய்ணுக் புஜெதி

ஜிவ்னமு லெகுத்தொ அவய்கீ கி4ரால்னு பு4லகு3ரு

(Kumaran) - yEt rhI hanmanthu dEvuk paaympodaraas

கபிகுல புங்கவ மாருதி ஸுந்த3ர மந்தர பா3ஹுகு ஜய க3வொரே

ஸங்கர அம்ஸஜ மாருத வம்ஸஜ பூ4 ஸிரஞ்ஜீவிகு ஜய க3வொரே

கஷ்ட நிவாரண கைங்க3ர்ய பாலன ஸுப்3ரம சாரிகு ஜய க3வொரே

ஜய ஜய அஞ்சன தே3வி ஸுநந்த3ன ராமுடுப4க்துடு3க் ஜய க3வொரே

வேத3 விஷாரத3 நாத3 உபாஸக ஸாஸ்வத ஸூரிகு ஜய க3வொரே

வசன ஸுதா4ம்ருத நிமல கு3ணாம்ருத சகல கலாநிதி4க் ஜய க3வொரே

ஸேவா ஸாத4ன ப4க்த உதா3ரண ஸாந்தஸ்வ ரூபிகு ஜய க3வொரே

ஜய ஜய அஞ்சன தே3வி ஸுநந்த3ன ராமுடுப4க்துடு3க் ஜய க3வொரே

ஸத்ய உபாஸக ஸத்ரு விநாஸக ராஜ ஸுயோகி3கு ஜய க3வொரே

பர்வத பா3ஹுகு ஸுத்3ருட பாஞ்யிகு வல்லப3 பூஸுகு ஜய க3வொரே

விஸ்வ ஸஞ்சாரக யோக3 ஸம்பூரக க3தா3ய்த3 தா4ரிகு ஜய க3வொரே

ஜய ஜய அஞ்சன தே3வி ஸுநந்த3ன ராமுடுப4க்துடு3க் ஜய க3வொரே

இந்தி3ரிய நிக்3ரஹ ஸத்கு3ண ஸங்க்ரஹ ஸக்தி ஸ்வரூபிகு ஜய க3வொரே

வானவ நந்தி3த மானவ வந்தி3த ப4க்த ஸிரோமணிக் ஜய க3வொரே

கா3ன ஸுதா4கர ஞானரத்னாகர ஸத்கர்மசாரிகு ஜய க3வொரே

ஜய ஜய அஞ்சன தே3வி ஸுநந்த3ன ராமுடுப4க்துடு3க் ஜய க3வொரே

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Roman libim amre bhaaso likkeththak - 2

K.V. Pathy aiyaan ella notation mogo dhaddiriyaas. tella Et dEras.


Sri. K.V. Pathy has sent me this document with slightly different notation. Please look into this also.


SOURASHTRAM written in Roman Script

From a posting by Mr.OSS

a aa i ii u uu e ee ai o oo au
k kh g gh n (a dot is to be placed above n)
c ch j jh n (a ~ s is to be placed on n)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l v s ( a slanting dash is to be placed on s)
sh s h L ksh

(a special sign is available to indicate this half h)

1. Another Special sign - The 'a' sound in the word ' CAT' is used for denoting honorific past tense Example - tenu avyaasi (THEY CAME)

2. haa ( a dot above the semi circle placed over haa gives nasal sound and it indicates question) Example - jiyaashaa (whether they went?)


dhairiyankan amre vattaamus likkoo. likkeyo phiir cevdi savoo. uccarippu serko se haa meni siiluvoo. dii vaaL meni siyeti koon’ ka’ OR ‘kha’ OR ‘ga ‘OR ‘gha’ takatte menatte kaLaiyaayi.

kaam=work khaa=eat gaam=town (in Hindi it is village) ghaam=beat

nuru=foam nhuru=baby rhaa=remain mhaLi=fish lhekko=account

I would like to use Sourashtra Script (which T.M.Rama Rai used) only. There are variations of Sourashtra Script. The one printed in 1876 and the Script used by Kavi Venkatasuri Swamin (author of Sourashtra Sangita Ramayana) are different.

To use Devanagari Script, we require few more signs to indicate short form of 'e' and 'o', aspirated forms of nh, mh, rh,lh, and to indicate the sound of 'a' in the word CAT. By evolving special signs we can write Sourashtra Language in Devanagari Script, but we lose our distinct identity of “Sourashtra.” We will be grouped with Marathi,konkani, khatri etc. Because they also use Devanagari Script. After using this modified devanagari for Sourashtra Language, when you write Hindi language you may commit mistakes.That is why I do not support use of Devanagari Script for our language.

Instead we can very well use Tamil Script with superscript Nos. 2,3,and 4 for the five consonants k,c,T,t,p. If you feel awkward to use Tamil Script with superscript Nos. then you better use Roman Script with diacritic marks

From a posting by Mr.Vishvesh Obla

I use Tamil fonts to communicate in Tamil and I feel we could use the same kind of (Roman) scripting to communicate in our language. It also solves some of the difficulties of a few letters with special signs as tildes and also with numbers that need to be used with our conventional script.

The longer form can always be represented by a capital. For example, ‘a’naa (in Tamil) would be represented by small ‘a’ in English and ‘aa’vanna would be by capital ‘A’. We could use the same way to write in our language too.

I will make a brief note of what I thought could be used for convenient communication through a computer or even writing on a paper. If we can standardize such easy scripting, we could encourage writing in our language which would lead to the next step of using
our own script.

(Please note that you cannot start a sentence in capital letters (as we use conventionally), for a capital letter would assign the specific letter a different sound)

a, A, i, I, u, U, e, E, ai, o, O, ou, ak

k, kA, ki, kI, ku, kU, kai, ko, kO, kau

cha, chA, chi, chI…………………………

da, dA,di, dI…………….. (kadavu – Tamil, dosko – sourashtra, head)

ta, tA, ti, tI………… (katavuL - Tamil, padam – sourashtra, film)

la, lA, li, lI……………. (illai – Tamil, phalcho – sourashtra, later)

La, LA,Li,LI………….. (katavuL, kuLLi – sourashtra, short girl)
za, zA…………(pazam – Tamil, pozho – Sourashtra, fruit)

pa, pA…………….(pozho, as above)

ph, phA…………… (as in phUl, phalAr - sourashtra, flower) (Note that the ‘ph’ is not a regular Tamil word but the letter ‘h’ is used to soften the ‘p’ sound to the Sanskrit sound ‘ph’; we can use such adaptations easily for unique sourashtra sounds).

na, nA ………. ( kanavu – Tamil, anger – Sourashtra, grandparents house)

nha, nhA……… ( vandhanam – Tamil (?), kanhdho – sourashtra, onion)

(we would have a difficulty with the above word for sounds like ‘nanno’ meaning small in sourashtra. We could try for an alternative like ‘nhha’ for the ‘na’ and ‘ha’ sounds combined. We could possibly use ‘nhhanno’ for small in sourashtra)

Na, NA, Ni, NI……… (vaNdi – T amil, boNdi – Sourashtra, vehicle)

Special characters could be easily used too. ng could be used for anger (grand parents house).

More examples : allo (ginger) and Angu (body) ; ikko (how much) and vIlto (evening); unto (round) and elle (this)


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Roman libim amre bhaaso likkeththak

Sri. O.S. Subramaniyan dhaan roman libi menasthe english libi thovlikin amre bhaasaam likkattak onte notation theeriyaas. Sri. K.V. Pathy aiyaan sange dhaanuk tella notation yeet deras.


Sri. O.S. Subramaniyan has developed a notation to write Sourashtram using Roman/English letters. As per Sri. K.V. Pathy's request, I am giving that notation here.

Monday, February 06, 2006


amretenu askitengo namaskaar. OSS dhaan amre bhaasaam likket amre bhaasa hotai meni askitengo joval sangileth se. K.V. Pathy aiyaan mello tisos sangileth se. mii thamil bhaasaam rovvo vyaasam likkires. tye chovthithin Pathy aiyaan amre bhaasaam melli mii vyaasam likkuno meni sankiraas. mhottan vaththa thaanuk musa goththi kerno meni hatvili mii yelle blog armbam kerriyas. tumi sovthi sii sanguvo.

amre bhaasaam likkeyo sovtaththak armbammu rovvo keshtam lakai. tego haalthi mii yet likkeyo English-um melli theeras.

My Pranaams to all of our people. OSS Annaa has been requesting everyone to write in our language to foster our language. K.V. Pathy aiyaan also telling the same. I have written some articles in Tamil. Pathy aiyaan has read them and has ordered me to write articles in our language also. Thinking that I should follow elders words as much as possible, I have started this blog. Please read and let me know your comments.

It may be difficult to read the articles written in our language at the start. So, I am writing them here in English also.